Informational Picket FAQs for HVSH-MNA Members
The informational picket will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please RSVP at
Q. What is an informational picket and why are we being asked to participate?
The bargaining team is working hard to achieve a good contract for membership. Holding an informational picket is one of the tools we have to help move the employer when progress has slowed or stalled. The more successful the picket, the more likely we will get a better contract before having to escalate further.
Q. Has a strike been called for? What is the difference between an informational picket and a strike?
Striking is always a last resort. Our informational picket on Feb. 5 is not a work stoppage or disruption of work. We hope that this will send a clear signal to management about how serious we are. Depending on what’s happening at negotiations, our elected bargaining team may soon call for a strike authorization vote of the members.
Q. If I am scheduled to work during the picket on Feb. 5, should I still report to work?
Yes. Please wear RED where applicable (e.g. hair ties, accessories, socks, etc.) while on shift to show your solidarity. Normal attire requirements still apply.
Q. Can I be disciplined for taking part in the informational picket during non-work hours?
No! Your right to engage in an informational picket during non-work hours is strictly protected by federal labor law. If you are threatened with any form of retaliation for participating in this or other protected activity, please immediately contact your HVSH-MNA representatives.
Q. Can I bring my family and friends to the informational picket?
Yes! Please bring as many friends and family members as you can to show Tenet executives that our community has our back.
Q: Where should people park?
No one coming to the picket should park on hospital property. Parking will be available at Commerce United Methodist Church (1155 N Commerce Township, MI 48382). Please be careful in church parking lot during Pre-K dismissal at 3 pm.